The complete care system for thoroughly cleaning, restoring water repellency, and adding UV protection to outdoor gear. Easy non-aerosol spray-on application, non-flammable and PFC free.
For cleaning and waterproofing tents, packs, awnings, and outdoor covers
Tent & Gear SolarWash and SolarProof available as a DUO-Pack
Tent & Gear SolarWash cleans, increases fabric strength and protects against UV deterioration
Tent & Gear SolarProof adds water repellency, increases fabric strength and protects against UV deterioration
Together they enhance the performance of your gear and doubles its useful life
Come into Skyview Outdoors located at 101-12355 Pattullo Place, Surrey, BC on Scott Road & 110th Avenue (next to McDonalds) to check out all of our outdoor gear as seen in this catalogue. Give us a call at 604-580-3777 and we will gladly answer any questions about this product.